The Game Reinvented

In this linked time of endless shit

With experts trained to cloud the facts

Who loud demand an equal split

Of time on air to spout their crap.


And having lost the leg-chain right

Seek to gut the public power

Take ours for theirs, and fix the fight

To bring us to this ugly hour.


To have it all is not enough

With more to haul by craft and fraud

And strike at those who call their bluff

Aligned with loot and useful gods.


So, science is a foe to share

While theory just another word

And facts have lesser weight than prayer

To reach a state where lines are blurred.


And when you start a life with lies

Although it be with good intent

That there’s a god who lives on high

Who threatens as to where you’re sent.


If myth becomes much more than myth

And rises to unerring truth

And guile has equal heft as pith

Then fairy tales will stand as sooth.


Paul Heno February 2021 

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