Fighting Theocracy.

As the streets of Tehran fill with demonstrators and blood, there is the potential for historical change, not only within Iran but the region. The current protest goes beyond the fairness or lack thereof in the recent sham elections where all of the candidates had

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I understand the need for a certain amount of whispering. It is stock in trade if you’re an international secret agent. You never know who is behind today’s copy of the local newspaper. For those who insist that the print version of the newspaper is

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The Addiction Vertical.

If on the news tomorrow it was announced that scientists had come up with a pill to cure drug and alcohol addiction, the world would be both stunned and ecstatic. The cost of reliance on drugs in human and economic terms is staggering. The possibility

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Grief Counselors.

Like most people I shudder whenever I receive news of a plane crash. Knowing that you are going to die shortly and violently and there is nothing you can do is cruel beyond bearing. It is a possibility we all dread. Likewise, and like others,

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Life Coaches.

Not long ago, there appeared an ad in a popular online classified site from a person in need of a considerable amount of typing and bookkeeping. The person who had placed the ad described herself as a “life coach” and was looking to barter. For

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The Office Prick.

Have you ever worked with or worse for, the office prick? This is the guy who never does any real work himself, but like a buzzard, hovers around until it’s time to move in for the kill. You know the type, the sycophant who spends

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