The Sports Psychologist

Stay in the moment, visualize, don’t dwell on past failure or on letting your team down if you screw up again, remember what you did when you were doing well, accentuate the positive, cast out the negative, believe in yourself, breathe deeply. There needs to

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The Game Reinvented

In this linked time of endless shit With experts trained to cloud the facts Who loud demand an equal split Of time on air to spout their crap.   And having lost the leg-chain right Seek to gut the public power Take ours for theirs,

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Big Women

It’s been said, at least by women, that the world would be better off were it directed by women. However, there is precious little evidence to support such an assumption. Our dot on the universe contains as many graceless and selfish examples of the fairer

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La Extinción de La Luz.

Seducidos por el enunciado neoplatonico Sedientos por un discurso desprovisto de fe A encontrarse con Hypatia en el muelle El faro, la fuente de luz, les llama. Ahí se reunen los que ansian escuchar De aquella que perdura del extinto poderío helénico Los pensamientos que

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On Poverty.

I was wandering aimless in a Mexican crowd recently when I saw a truck with a loud ad for a just released KFC product. Beneath the enticing photo of a burger, were the words, ‘To eat well is a blessing.’ Leaving aside whether any burger

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