
I started out in full control,
The eggs, the milk, the beating bowl
The pan was wide, though not too deep
So little fear the dish might creep

I stirred and shook till all was mixed
Then checked the time that it was fixed
Enflamed the brew so it would bubble
And watched it boil but saw no trouble.

I stoked the heat to cook it fast
When suddenly there was a blast.
The mess leapt out and down I slid.
Still groping for the stupid lid.

By now the top was of no use
The well-planned grub was on the loose
Gone down the stove and to the floor
I raced ahead to bar the door.

I held a knife to cut the goo,
Too broad, when only fine would do
So on it flowed towards my feet
My meal had me in full retreat

My dining mode now on survive
I called for help but none arrived
They laughed at me, my oldest friends
And left me to my sticky end.

They’d warned me not to cook alone
In this new house I’d hardly known
So sure this place was just the same
My potluck shot and looking lame.

Copyright © 2009 Paul Heno

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