With warm rays of gold I halt the raw cold, And start the growth anew. On slim shafts of yellow I seek to mellow When skies and mood are blue. When I am lonely with being the only Sun in miles of sight. I talk with my flower, save in a...

Why is it you dismiss the past And works which will forever last? The present stems from what we’ve gained What’s new has often been explained. To glow with thoughts of what’s to be And unlock all those doors you see Where future scenes play in your mind A Goya for a...

The caterpillar’s like a worm, A low and dirty thing, Which causes girls to hide and squirm, And to their boyfriends cling. It hangs about in grass and mud, Sometimes gets in your hair, Until a boot comes with a thud, And lets out all its air. A beast of one of God’s...

How loneliness grabs each breath that we take And sighs give the lie to banter we fake The wisdom of patience, promise of time So longing of love of manner sublime In mad search of Eros ever unseen, Ephemeral lure that clearly it’s been The foul fraud of gods who tease...

To watch the scene through hard, grey eyes To see the lies too clear To stand astride a never land At once both straight and queer. Of wispy dreams and steely thought Of body often pierced Of slender, gentle, shaking hands Of fear beyond the fierce. How cold to be so cool in...

I started out in full control, The eggs, the milk, the beating bowl The pan was wide, though not too deep So little fear the dish might creep I stirred and shook till all was mixed Then checked the time that it was fixed Enflamed the brew so it would bubble And...

For those of us who seldom lay, And even some who do, Some like to sleep, some like to play, And some combine the two. You won’t be nicked amusement tax On either of these vices. So grab a mag, lie down, relax You’ll not find better prices. While most of us must...

A young lion, beloved and flexing king, Viewing his domain of carnivores, though- Safe at home, saw what foreign hunts could bring, And planned how he might deliver the blow. Hegemony starts with well-concealed spring. He brought his empire all it could stow, The lambs beyond the sea lay strewn in...

Now see their fealty shorn of pretence Those who laughed and who danced the gay quadrille Unmasked, whose loyalty gives grave offense To the king who fed them and now is still Their chase of position spared no expense These false flatterers who so mock his will Once curried favour, now...

How quickly I have aged, My frolic over, gone ere I knew Separated from my vast pursuits I am left with the mundane. Still vivid are the great pageants The well-earned victories The solemn losses, the valiant tries The striving for worthy cause. The enthusiasm for our devotion The artistry in our performance. How numb...