From high upon an armoured hill I gazed upon a busy field Where rank and title mattered nil In widespread use, the common weal. At sport or play or solo run Redoubt where gold held meagre weight And stories true and not were spun A passing stay from weary fate. As much a...

Charmed by Neoplatonic talkIn search of faithless prone discourseTo meet Hypatia at the dockDrawn to the lighthouse beaming source.So gathered those who came to hearFrom Hellenism’s faded mightThe thoughts that held her in revereThat dared to rift the truth from trite.From learning shared is more...

(Apologies to A.E. Housman) Is my team playing That I once used to coach? I stood proud upon the bench My word beyond reproach. Yes, the players dangle, The new coach whistles well. No change though you are behind The bars that form your cell. Are fans still coming – To fill the chilly rink? To...

‘What visceral growl makes din this late hour? T’is not merely the storm, though it brews worse. Is this Cordell, first-born, flexing power? Ingratitude! Thou most vile fiend be cursed. Eager to usurp what’s near enough yours. Impatient youth, can you not wait to rule? This gale’s howls drowned by loud...

Walk with me my love, take my hand in yours Seek great places that long enchanted us By unknown or forgotten force made clear To those who care to see, who want to see While time slows and frets and gives us our look. Run with me my love, take...

Twixt what we want and what we get Are schemes which leave us deep in debt And dreams we lose to compromise Convenient sales and lousy buys. Twixt what we were and what we are Omitting tides and yonder stars How lost we seem along the way Our spirits chained to feet...

Is that you again Bill Bennett Born under your own star, The national moral compass And self-styled virtue tsar? Does the past still make your cases? And all things cawed by Cato? Denouncing Greeks and all their ilk ‘Cept that is for Plato. Yes, Cato too despised them Greeks Save for his son’s learning, As...

A lot grown too content and wayward blind Saw not the peril or chose to ignore The past – filled smartly by a fervent kind Marching in long contempt to what had before Been refuge for bold foresight and free mind In loud deceit claimed order to restore And stained reason...

The late day sun teetered on the mountain Long shadows had enveloped the land Creatures afraid of the glare would emerge Drawn from their burrows by the call of night Hunters and hunted in the same bleak space I had driven miles in barren desert Yet...

Two score and more around the sun Winged chariots I’ll not outrun My hubris wanes along with hope Save slightest chance that helps to cope. I could have been more happy here Had many friends not disappeared I know too well the fault’s my own That I can´t choose to be alone. I...