In this linked time of endless shit With experts trained to cloud the facts Who loud demand an equal split Of time on air to spout their crap.   And having lost the leg-chain right Seek to gut the public power Take ours for theirs, and fix the fight To bring us to...

Seducidos por el enunciado neoplatonico Sedientos por un discurso desprovisto de fe A encontrarse con Hypatia en el muelle El faro, la fuente de luz, les llama. Ahí se reunen los que ansian escuchar De aquella que perdura del extinto poderío helénico Los pensamientos que la hicieron digna de admirar Que se... crowd is loud in SaskatoonTen thousand fans and moreThe home side even with the guestThey need a single scoreFor this is not a normal gameBut one for days of lore.And wary of this foe are theyWhose skill is hardly metWho pass and weave and...

The bishops in Rome were having a day Bedevilled by how to increase their pay The witches were burned, the commies at bay But all was not well, “Come let us pray.” “We’ve all the third worlders needed for now Shone light on their darkness, taught them to bow Our niggle...

“Oh look, it’s snowing – a fun day aheadLet’s pack in the chores and haul out the sledIf you wake the kids then I’ll prep the vanWe’re off to enjoy a white wonderland.”Done the long undies, the layers of clothesThick socks, heavy boots, to save...

The biggest bang began the raceOf still-expanding time and spaceWhich entropy may bring an endThe sun long ceased to be a friend. Unique that time is tolled by manWith clocks and dates and slipping sandGrown less distinct the now and pastAnd what remains comes on so...

The damn bleakest night you’d ‘ere want to see The wet, scurvy wind blew in off the sea From far fathoms down, a man creature marched Full-covered in slime from kepi to arch. He clumped past the bait house, up past the pub One leg near normal, the other more...

In summer deep in old Madrid The city stoked in August heat The fortuned folk, their farewell’s bid, Escape to wild or cool retreat. Now walking slow in saving shade With countless stops along the way The biding time ‘til daylight’s fade And gay Madrid comes out to play. Past where sublime Cervantes...

There she lies so close to deathRest, a sane world holds its breathRealm of such historic painSadder grows if she is slainOr deprived of voice and penStilled by cowards posed as menOn the crescent moon she roseDawn for those in forced reposeWhose choices have been...

Am I spiritual you ask?Now here I must take you to taskWhat mean you for heaven’s sake?I know of head and belly acheDo you infer belief in God?A proposition I find oddOn bended knee in fervent prayerIn hope that this time God might careAnd with...