An Untimely End.

The biggest bang began the race
Of still-expanding time and space
Which entropy may bring an end
The sun long ceased to be a friend.

Unique that time is tolled by man
With clocks and dates and slipping sand
Grown less distinct the now and past
And what remains comes on so fast.

Of eons past and more to come
The time and space continuum
Slights our infinitesimal stay
We rage against the shrinking day.

Now as I lie in my last bed
And disbelieve I’ll nigh be dead
With not a yaw or tack to stall
There is so much not tried at all.

The constant void soft calls to me
Though will I might, I cannot flee
And Time, with all that time to spend
Just hustles on around the bend.

Copyright Paul Heno 2014

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