The Sun.

With warm rays of gold I halt the raw cold,
And start the growth anew.
On slim shafts of yellow I seek to mellow
When skies and mood are blue.

When I am lonely with being the only
Sun in miles of sight.
I talk with my flower, save in a shower,
She follows my slow flight.

I caress her ripe bud and stir her hot blood,
She blooms to seedly gem.
I stand the night long by the chill crack of dawn,
Dew drips off the stem.

Ambrosia fed horses strain at the courses
Taunt the Archer and Bull
I have monsters to flee but you only see
Days are bright or dull.

My flaxen-haired girl readies the world
Apollo sits at the helm
Leave Daphne alone and Phaeton at home
Duty is to the realm

I blast desert sand o’er the Ra god’s land,
The manbeast stares ahead.
I baked granite stones for immortal thrones,
He guards as they lie dead.

To others I say you’re wise not to stray,
Close to my jealous space
For the wax will drip and your wings will rip.
Icarus in his place.

If Ulysses is burned then what has he learned,
Of his ultimate ride.
That Poseidon’s conceit and the Sirens’ deceit,
Humble the traveler’s pride.

In the dark hours I calm my set powers,
Potent again in morn.
Before and post noon I make love with the moon,
Neap and spring tides are born.

From the vast ocean I draw a moist potion,
Brewed for those that I reign.
I sift out the acid put there with tacit,
Consent of those I sustain.

My energy changes mass mountain ranges,
That growl, tumble and fall.
I move ice and snow of epochs ago,
Glaciers in semi stall

As the creatures small made primordial crawl
I greeted them on shore.
When the meteor’s haze obscured my gaze,
The giants were no more.

The dust slowly cleared and I shyly leered
At the age left behind.
It took all my light to make the earth right,
A point to bear in mind.

I conjure the breeze and spruce verdant trees,
There since time was begun.
Though you are new with a confident view,
Old stuff under the sun.

Copyright © 1999 Paul Heno

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