I was wandering aimless in a Mexican crowd recently when I saw a truck with a loud ad for a just released KFC product. Beneath the enticing photo of a burger, were the words, ‘To eat well is a blessing.’ Leaving aside whether any burger...

Legend has it that somewhere between 10 BCE and the year 0 CE, a child was born to a girl named Mary, the young wife of Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth. Joseph, however, was not the sire of the boy whom the world would come...

In putting on his recent God and pony-up show in the Washington Mall, Glenn Beck chose his venue wisely. Anything smaller and there might not have been enough room to hold all the stupidity.As gathering and lathering goes, this one might have appeared innocuous. God-fearing...

It’s over then. As empires go, this one didn’t last long. The ending came not in one defining moment, perhaps it hasn’t even dawned on many, but it’s finished; done-in not by Al Qaeda or totalitarianism or other external threats, but by its own stupidity...

From the 14th through the 16th centuries, the City of Florence Italy was the epicenter of what became known as the Italian Renaissance. It was a time of reaching back to banished thinking, of great works of art and architecture, when the talent of Michelangelo...

“If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly.” “What must be done ultimately should be done immediately.” Thus spake two of history’s most infamous murderers, Macbeth and Henry Kissinger. Macbeth was contemplating the regicide of Duncan, his Scottish king....

Not so long ago I worked for a company which had as one of its clients a large enterprise from a Middle Eastern nation. The country from whence they came is a theocracy, known for its devout adherence to sharia law. There is no law...

As the streets of Tehran fill with demonstrators and blood, there is the potential for historical change, not only within Iran but the region. The current protest goes beyond the fairness or lack thereof in the recent sham elections where all of the candidates had...

I understand the need for a certain amount of whispering. It is stock in trade if you’re an international secret agent. You never know who is behind today’s copy of the local newspaper. For those who insist that the print version of the newspaper is...